To Ross Baker [Letter 357]

Item Reference Code: 112_06E_023_001

Date(s) of creation

October 2, 1948


Ross Baker


October 2, 1948

Mr. Ross G. Baker
The Bobbs-Merrill Company
468 Fourth Avenue
New York 16, N. Y.

Dear Ross:

Thank you for your letter of September 23. I am glad to know that you are not considering a popular reprint [paperback edition] of THE FOUNTAINHEAD in connection with the picture. I believe that the release of the picture will give a great boost to the sales of our full-priced edition.

I saw a rough cut of the picture this week. If some unforeseen disaster does not happen in the cutting, which I do not expect, the picture will be excellent. The predictions in the studio are that they expect it to be sensational.

I am now back at work on my new novel. My work on the movie was a bad interruption for me, but it was worth it, and the new book is now picking up speed again.

With best regards,



Ayn Rand
