To Mimi Sutton [Letter 534]

Item Reference Code: 098_04x_050_001

Date(s) of creation

April 3, 1965


Mimi (Papurt) Sutton


36 East 36th Street
New York 16, New York

April 3, 1965

Dear Mimi:

Thank you very much for the two beautiful record albums which you sent us.

I understand your enthusiasm for Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and why you wanted us to hear these particular records. She has a magnificent voice and the way she sings operettas gives them the emotional power of a real opera.

Frank has played the records over and over again and I have seldom seen him enjoy a record so much. I especially thank you for this, in addition to my own pleasure.

This is a belated acknowledgment of a Christmas present, but since you know my problem in regard to correspondence, I hope you will know that my delay was not due to lack of appreciation.

With our best wishes to you, David and the children,
