October 12, 1951
Mr. Pincus Berner
25 West 43rd Street
New York, New York.
Dear Pinkie:
First of all thanks for your help with getting us to New York. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate it.
I am enclosing the check for the 3 items from Mr. Armstrong. I have not written you sooner because this is the first chance I have had to write a letter in the midst of the mad rush that we have gone through. Our furniture has finally moved out of here yesterday, and we shall follow it by car. We will start on Wednesday the 17th and will arrive in New York on Tuesday the 23rd or early the next morning. We intend to arrive ahead of the furniture and we will be there to receive it. Should anything happen to delay us on the road I will wire you and then I will take advantage of your offer to receive the furniture in our name and to pay for it. I do not know the exact amount as yet, which has to be paid in New York upon receipt but it will be about $1,000.00. I have given the movers your name and phone number to be notified when the furniture reaches New York but they are not supposed to arrive there until the 24th and so, barring some unforeseen accident, we intend to be there ourselves. I will make reservations at a hotel when we are approaching New York and will call you as soon as we arrive.
Please give our thanks to Ann and Rose for their wonderful help, just as a small advance until we can thank them in person which will now be soon.
Ayn Rand
P.S. I still don’t quite believe it that I am coming to New York—and I feel wonderful!
AR and her husband moved back to Manhattan permanently on October 17.