

The following individuals and copyright holders have generously given permission to print material from previously unpublished correspondence: Christopher Cerf, the Estate of Cecil B. DeMille, Sen. Barry Goldwater, John Hospers, the Estate of Rose Wilder Lane, Ira Levin, Elizabeth T. Ogden, the Estate of Isabel Paterson, Robert Stack, and the Estate of Barbara Stanwyck.

The quoted letters of Frank Lloyd Wright are Copyright © 1994 The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and are used with the permission of the Foundation. All rights reserved.

Excerpts from the letters of H. L. Mencken are quoted by permission of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in accordance with the terms of the will of H. L. Mencken.

The editor would like to thank Leonard Peikoff for his editorial advice on the first edition and for giving me access to Ayn Rand’s materials. Also for the first edition, thanks go to Donna Montrezza for research and—with David Bombardier—for meticulous proofreading; to Dena Harman for production assistance; for translation, to Dina Schein Federman (the letter to Leo) and Alex Sadovsky (the other Russian letters); and to Harry Binswanger for sharing my excitement about the history surrounding Ayn Rand’s life and for filling in many of the details. And finally, thanks to my wife, Judy, for her constant enthusiasm for the letters and especially for encouraging me to undertake the project of cataloging the Ayn Rand material, which led directly to this project.