Letters of Ayn Rand

Chapter 3

Letters to Frank Lloyd Wright

Though not extensive, Ayn Rand’s correspondence with Frank Lloyd Wright covered twenty years, from 1937 to 1957. The two met a number of times, and Ayn Rand and her husband spent a weekend at Wright’s summer headquarters, Taliesin East, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Two major projects involving Rand and Wright never materialized: Wright’s designing the buildings for the 1949 movie of The Fountainhead (his price was too high), and Wright’s building a home for the O’Connors, canceled when the O’Connors decided not to move out of Manhattan. Wright’s drawing of the “Ayn Rand house” appears in several Wright collections, including the cover of the 1994 weekly calendar produced by Taliesin Associates.

The quoted letters of Frank Lloyd Wright are Copyright © 1994 The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and are used with the permission of the Foundation. All rights reserved.