John Williams (1892–1972), was the New York editor for Bobbs-Merrill (an Indianapolis publisher) until 1950.
February 4, 1946
Mr. John L. B. Williams
The Bobbs-Merrill Company
468 Fourth Avenue
New York City
Dear Mr. Williams:
Thank you most sincerely for the beautiful flowers you sent me for Christmas. I can not tell you how much I appreciated it. It made me feel that it was a greeting from you, from New York City and, in a way, from “The Fountainhead”—so it was just the kind of reminder that made me happy on Christmas day. This sounds involved and romantic, but you understand authors, and most authors are romantic, and I am extremely so.
Forgive me my delay in thanking you. An unusual assignment from the studio has kept me chained to my desk on an all but impossible writing job.
With my best wishes for a very happy year,
Cordially yours,
Ayn Rand