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36 East 36th Street
New York 16, New York
August 4, 1962
Dear Vera:
Thank you for your letter and for the postcard which you sent me from the ship.
I was happy to know that everything went well and that you returned home safely.[*]
The “Little American Dinner” which you gave sounds very charming, and I am delighted if you enjoyed it. I told Lisette about it and she said that it was a new policy on your part, that you were not in the habit of giving large parties. If this new policy was due in some part to my influence, I am very happy to know it. I would love to see you permit yourself to enjoy life a little more than you have in the past. You have certainly earned it.
I have not seen Lisette since you left, but I have spoken to her on the telephone, and I have an appointment to see her tomorrow. As far as I could learn from her, she has been given permission to stay here for the present, but does not yet know for how long.
As to my life, it is as busy and hectic as when you were here, perhaps even more so. My newspaper column is doing well, and so is our Newsletter. I am enclosing the August copy of the Newsletter. On page 35 you will find a reprint of my first Los Angeles Times column, “Introducing Objectivism,” which you read here in the original newspaper and wanted to read again.
I am enclosing also two postcards with the statue of Atlas at Rockefeller Center, which you wanted. This
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is the best I could find.
I miss you very much. To repeat what I told you here, I was happy to find that I feel a deep affection for you, not because you are a relative, but because you are a good person, much better, I suspect, than you give yourself credit for. I hope that I will see you again without waiting many years.
Frank joins me in sending our best regards to both of you. With my personal love to you,
*AR’s daily calendar shows numerous entries for Vera and her daughter Lisette between May 29 and June 21, 1962.