To Channing Pollock [Letter 70]

Item Reference Code: 146_PO4_023_001

Date(s) of creation

December 10, 1941


Channing Pollock


In the early 1940s, he and AR attempted to create what she called ā€œThe Individualist Organizationā€ in the wake of the failed Wendell Willkie presidential campaign. In a previous letter to Rand (dated November 27, 1941), Pollock included a copy of his letter of the same date to Mrs. William Henry Hays, president of the Republican Club of New York City. In that letter, Pollock recommended Rand as a speaker, writing: ā€œI have not heard Miss Rand speak in public, but if she can do so with any degree of the conviction and eloquence with which she speaks in private, and with which she writes, she should be one of the greatest orators of all time. I have never met anyone of more remarkable personality and individuality, or with a more burning conviction.ā€Ā 

This letter was previously published only on the Ayn Rand Institute website.

139 East 35th Street

December 10, 1941

Mr. Channing Pollock
600 West End Avenue
New York City

Dear Mr. Pollock:

Thank you for the letter which you wrote about me to Mrs. Hays. I can only say that I shall try to deserve the recommendation you gave me. I have not heard from the Republican Club as yet, but if I should get that lecture it will not please me more than the things which you said about me.

Please forgive my delay in answering your letter. So many things have happened to me lately that I have been in a sort of whirlwind. The big event in my life is that I have just sold a novel to the Bobbs-Merrill Company. It is an unfinished novel on which I have been working for a long time and which I could not finish for lack of funds. Bobbs-Merrill liked it well enough to give me an advance that will permit me to leave my job at Paramount and finish the novel. I cannot say what it means to meā€”to be able to return to creative writing again. I think you will understand. I am afraid Iā€™m so happy that Iā€™m a little dizzy. I signed the contract yesterday.

When you have the time, I should like very much to hear from you and to see you, if possible.

You asked my husbandā€™s first name. It is Frank Oā€™Connor.

He joins me in sending you our best regards,



There is no record of Rand speaking to the Republican Club of New York City, but the Ayn Rand Archives collection of her daily calendars doesnā€™t begin until 1943.