Return of the Primitive (Exp. edition of The New Left)



The ’60s are usually glorified as a time when America’s youth stood up in rebellion against the cultural establishment. Protesting everything from Vietnam to industrial capitalism, college students under the banner of the New Left forcibly occupied campus buildings and idolized Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro — and were hailed as idealistic revolutionaries.

Ayn Rand viewed them very differently.

In a number of essays, she analyzes the campus protests and the ideology of the New Left, concluding that far from rebelling, they were slavishly following every basic idea of their teachers — and that far from being idealistic, they were attacking the key foundations of a rational, free society.

Rand’s writings on these and related topics were collected in The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution(1971). A 1999 edition, Return of the Primitive, added supplementary articles, including three by editor Peter Schwartz analyzing the New Left’s enduring legacy.


Ayn Rand witnessed the rise of the ’60s “ecology” movement (the forerunner of today’s environmentalism) and found much that was objectionable. She observed its antagonism toward industry, toward business, toward the application of technological solutions to material problems. She saw a new viewpoint emerging that vilified industrial development under capitalism as a threat to mankind.

This is tantamount to a rejection of the Industrial Revolution, which means a rejection of history’s greatest positive transformation in the length and quality of human life. The ecology movement, she argued, was ultimately calling for an “anti-industrial revolution” and seemed eager to condemn mankind to the squalor and misery of pre-industrial subsistence.

While environmentalism has evolved a great deal since the late ’60s, the ideological essence of the movement — its philosophical perspective on man’s relationship to nature — has not changed. Rand’s critique is as pertinent today as it was then.



The Anti-Industrial Revolution