To Leonebel Jacobs [Letter 394]

Item Reference Code: 141_IJx_021_001

Date(s) of creation

June 4, 1949


Leonebel Jacobs


On June 1, Henry R. Luce (editor in chief of Time Inc.) wrote to Jacobs that he was “greatly impressed” by The Fountainhead, wanted to see the movie version, and would contact the appropriate Life editor. 

June 4, 1949

Dear Leonebel:

Thank you for your letter and for the letter from Mr. Luce which you sent me. I appreciate this most profoundly. What Mr. Luce decides to do about it is up to his own conscience—but you have done a heroic effort for THE FOUNTAINHEAD, so I know that you are one friend of the book who stood by it, and I am deeply grateful.

No, we wouldn’t think of descending upon you and “camping” in your studio. We thought of making the exchange only in case you were coming to California. But since you’re not, we won’t encumber you with a couple of refugees from Hollywood. I don’t know the exact date on which we will come to New York, but it will be soon now, and we are looking forward to seeing you.

With best regards and love from both of us,