To Ruth (Mrs. J. F.) Austin, a fan [Letter 229]

Item Reference Code: 036_01A_003_001

Date(s) of creation

July 9, 1946


Ruth Austin


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10000 Tampa Avenue
Chatsworth, California
July 9, 1946

Mrs. J. F. Austin
Sandy Valley Road
Dedham, Massachusetts

Dear Mrs. Austin:

Thank you for your letter. I appreciate the honesty and seriousness of your inquiryā€”and particularly the last paragraph of your letter. It would take a whole philosophical volume to answer your questions properly, but I shall try to indicate a few brief answers.

You say that ā€œRoark is like a portrait of Jesusā€. This statement can mean many different things. In a very general sense, if you mean that both Roark and Jesus are held as embodiments of the perfect man, of a moral idealā€”then you are right, but there the comparison must end. The moral ideal represented by Roark is not the one represented by Jesus.

There is a great, basic contradiction in the teachings of Jesus. Jesus was one of the first great teachers to proclaim the basic principle of individualismā€”the inviolate sanctity of manā€™s soul, and the salvation of oneā€™s soul as oneā€™s first concern and highest goal; this meansā€”oneā€™s ego and the integrity of oneā€™s ego. But when it came to the next question, a code of ethics to observe for the salvation of oneā€™s soulā€”(this means: what must one do in actual practice in order to save oneā€™s soul?)ā€”Jesus (or perhaps His interpreters) gave men a code of altruism, that is, a code which told them that in order to save oneā€™s soul, one must love or help or live for others. This means, the subordination of oneā€™s soul (or ego) to the wishes, desires or needs of others, which means the subordination of oneā€™s soul to the souls of others.

This is a contradiction that cannot be resolved. This is why men have never succeeded in applying Christianity in practice, while they have preached it in theory for two thousand years. The reason of their failure was not menā€™s natural depravity or hypocrisy, which is the superficial (and vicious) explanation usually given. The reason is that a contradiction cannot be made to work. That is why the history of Christianity has been a continuous civil warā€”both literally (between sects

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and nations), and spiritually (within each manā€™s soul).

The solution? We have a choice. Either we accept the basic principle of Jesusā€”the pre-eminence of oneā€™s own soulā€”and define a new code of ethics consistent with it (a code of Individualism). Or we accept altruism and the basic principle which it impliesā€”the conception of man as a sacrificial animal, whose purpose is service to others, to the herd (which is what you may see in Europe right nowā€”and which is certainly not what Jesus intended).

You ask: ā€œDo you think it would demean man to think that he was the child of the Creator of the earth, stars, etc.? Donā€™t you think it would make his noble dreams and acts even more noble to think that he has a divine heritage?ā€ To your first question I would answer: No, not necessarily. Perhaps a philosophical statement could be made defining God and manā€™s relation to God in a way which would not be demeaning to man and to his life on earth. But I do not know of such a statement among the popular conceptions of God.

The second question contains a most grievous demeaning of man, right in the question. It implies that man, even at his best, even after he has reached the highest perfection possible to him, is not noble or not noble enough. It implies that he needs something superhuman in order to make him nobler. It implies that that which is noble in him is divine, not human; and that the merely human is ignoble. This is what neither Roark nor I would ever accept.

You say: ā€œJesus said we were to love one another, and to bear each otherā€™s burdens.ā€ ā€œTo bear each otherā€™s burdensā€ā€”is the purest statement of collectivism and altruism, the very thing to which Roarkā€™s whole philosophy said ā€œNOā€.

As for ā€œloving one anotherā€ (this means, I presume, indiscriminately), it is a precept which I do not understand. It has no actual meaning and no possible application in practice. Love is the recognition one grants to value or virtue. Since all men are not virtuous, to love them for their vices would be a monstrous conception and a vicious injustice. One can not love such men as Stalin or Hitler. One can not love both a man like Roark and a man like Toohey.

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If one says one does, it merely means that one does not love at all. To love the ideal and also those who betray it, is only to betray the ideal.

You say: ā€œIt would seem to me that Jesus loved people in a way that you would approve.ā€ No, I do not approve of what you describe as that way. You say that ā€œJesus loved the dream of goodness He saw in every man.ā€ I do not see a ā€œdream of goodnessā€ in every man, nor do I see any inborn evil or original sin in him. I see man as, above all, a creature of free will. This means that it is up to him, and to him alone, to decide whether he will be good or evil. Then one judges him on his own record, and one loves or hates him according to what he has deserved. I do not approve of loving anyone for a potentiality, particularly when his every action is a denial of that potentiality, is its exact opposite.

As to Roark, in relation to the kind of love for others which you describe, it is the whole point of Roark and of my philosophy that he was not concerned with other men. Yes, his goal was perfection, but not the perfection of the world or of others; only the perfection of that which lay within his powerā€”of himself and his work. He did not set himself up as the power who should or could bring out the potential perfection in others. First, because he knew he could not do it; second, because he would not want to do it, if he could. Others did not interest him enough to become his concern. If he made it his goal to perfect them, it would mean that he had made them his concern, and he would then become the kind of second-hander whom he denounced most clearly and specifically.

Roark did better than to love menā€”he respected them. He granted to each of them the same right which he did not let them infringe in himā€”the right of an independent entity whose fate, life and perfection are in his own hands, not anyone elseā€™s and certainly not Roarkā€™s.

As to your sentence, ā€œI should think that that kind of God would be the real one that your Howard Roark would love and serveā€,ā€”that is the only sentence in your letter which was offensive to me. The word ā€œRoarkā€ and the word ā€œserveā€ are oppositesā€”the two antagonists who will never meet and must not be connected. There is no such conception as ā€œserviceā€ in Roarkā€™s consciousness nor in the kind of universe to which he belongs and which he represents. Roark would

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not ā€œserveā€ God nor anyone nor anything. He would never even use such a word in relation to himself. He would never think of ā€œserving himselfā€ or ā€œserving his artā€. Roark is a man who does not serveā€”that is his whole meaning. Roark is man as an end in himself. That which is an end in itself does not serve anything. That which serves is the means to something else which is the end.

I would venture to guess the nature of the basic question in your mind which prompted your inquiry. It seems to me that you are trying to define the relation of the philosophy presented in THE FOUNTAINHEAD to religion. Perhaps I can help you. If by religion you mean a system of philosophy which tells man how to reach his highest perfection, then THE FOUNTAINHEAD is a religious book (and in that sense I am a religious person). But my philosophy is a code of ethics based on manā€™s nature such as we observe him on this earth, and arrived at by means of manā€™s rational faculty. The question of God in the religious sense is outside the problems of my book or of my philosophy.

One may approach my philosophy from either one of two angles. If we assume that man was created by God, then man must live on earth according to his nature and to the rational faculty which God gave him as his distinguishing attribute and his only means of survival. Therefore, accepting an Individualist code of ethics, one would carry out Godā€™s will and be a truly religious and moral person. Or we may assume that there is no God, that all we know is that we are men, we are here on earth, and it is up to us to enjoy it or to destroy ourselves. Then we still must live according to our nature and our rational faculty, and accept the highest perfection of man (defined by our reason) as our standard of morality. My code of ethics will apply and will hold in either case.

I am enclosing a printed letter about THE FOUNTAINHEAD and myself, which might interest you.

Sincerely yours,


Ayn Rand