June 26, 1948
Mr. John L. B. Williams
The Bobbs-Merrill Company
468 Fourth Avenue
New York 16, N. Y.
Dear John:
I have just finished my work at Warner Bros. on the screenplay of THE FOUNTAINHEAD and am now going back to work on my new novel. The screenplay is wonderful, at least I think so and so does everybody else. The studio seems very happy about it, and all the indications are that the picture will be as great as we all expected it to be.
The starting date of the actual shooting has been set for July 8. I have arranged with the Warner Bros. publicity department to put you on their mailing list to receive their press releases. You may be swamped with movie news, because the publicity for THE FOUNTAINHEAD will be released with their other picture news, but you may be able to pick the items you want. Let me know if you are getting what you needed.
I will be at the studio during the actual shooting of the picture. The real publicity will not begin until after the picture is made and ready for release, at which time, if all goes well, we will probably arrange for some publicity tie-up between the picture and the book. As things look now, this is the big picture of the movie industry—and one of my New York literary friends predicts that it may put THE FOUNTAINHEAD back on the best seller lists.
Here’s luck to Warner Bros., Bobbs-Merrill and myself,
Ayn Rand