September 17, 1949
Mr. DeWitt Emery
Nat’l Small Business Men’s Assn.
39 S. La Salle Street
Chicago 3, Illinois
Dear DeWitt:
Thank you for your letter of September 6, 1949. I hope that you will come to California this fall and that you will reserve some time on your schedule for a visit with us.
I wish you success with the mysterious big project which you mention in your letter. I am naturally curious to know what it is, so do let me know when you can.
I am glad that you liked the movie of THE FOUNTAINHEAD. I can see your point in feeling that Gary Cooper’s performance should have been stronger. Personally, I feel satisfied with his performance because, even though the real Roark of the book should have been stronger, there is no actor in Hollywood who could have come closer to being the right type for it than Gary Cooper. I would rather see the part underplayed than overdone by some phoney-looking ham.
With best regards from both of us,
Ayn Rand