To Nathan Blumenthal [Letter 412]

Item Reference Code: 019_01A_005_001

Date(s) of creation

December 2, 1949


Nathan Blumenthal


Nathan Blumenthal (1930–2014) later changed his name to Nathaniel Branden and was AR’s associate until 1968. 


December 2, 1949

Mr. Nathan Blumenthal
1635 S. Orange Drive
Los Angeles 35, California

Dear Mr. Blumenthal:

Thank you for your letter of October 31. I am enclosing a copy of the printed letter which you requested.

Apart from the works which you mention, I have written only a few political articles and some screen plays. I cannot tell you the publication date of my next novel, because I am working on it right now and cannot tell exactly when I will have it finished.



Ayn Rand


P.S. Are you the gentleman who wrote me from Canada sometime ago asking what political system I believed in? If you are, I hope you have learned by now that I believe in complete, uncontrolled, unregulated, laissez-faire, private-property, profit motive, free enterprise Capitalism.