To Rex Barley, executive manager at the Times-Mirror Syndicate [Letter 493]

Item Reference Code: 045_11C_005_001

Date(s) of creation

September 7, 1962


Rex Barley


36 East 36th Street
New York 16, New York

September 7, 1962

Mr. Rex Barley
Times-Mirror Syndicate
145 South Spring Street
Los Angeles 53, California

Dear Mr. Barley:

Thank you for your letter of August 31. I am delighted that the Times-Mirror Company has exercised its option to syndicate my column.

I have found that I enjoy writing the column very much, though it was difficult for me, at first, to get used to the space limit. It is becoming easier now. I will aim at reducing the length further whenever possible, as you suggest.

I am very happy that you like my column. Thank you for the kind things you said about it—particularly for the reference to the “newspaper writing style.”

I shall be glad to continue writing the column on the same basis as before, until the syndicate release date.

In regard to your planned trip, would you let me know if you come to New York? I would like very much to meet you in person.

With best wishes for the success of our column “on the road,”



Ayn Rand



In December, syndication plans were canceled due to “lack of sales.”