To Michael D. Gill, of Citizens for Goldwater-Miller [Letter 527]

Item Reference Code: 043_05A_013_001

Date(s) of creation

October 28, 1964


Michael D. Gill


AR had written a speech that she proposed as the final speech in the Goldwater campaign, but the speech was not used. She later wrote an extensive analysis of Goldwater’s defeat (“It’s Earlier Than You Think,” The Objectivist Newsletter, December 1964).

October 28, 1964

Mr. Michael D. Gill
Citizens for Goldwater-Miller
Suite 212
1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Gill:

I am enclosing the speech which I promised to send you.

It is my understanding that this speech will not be used by anyone other than Senator Goldwater or General Eisenhower.

In case it is General Eisenhower who cares to use it, I strongly urge you to let me re-word the passages which will need re-wording. This can be done quickly over the long distance telephone. My concern is to guard against possible ideological mistakes if the re-writing is done by someone else.

With best wishes for victory,



Ayn Rand
