STRIVE (Students for Reason, Individualism, Value pursuit, and Enterprise) is a student-led organization that works with students who are interested in Ayn Rand and how her ideas can have a real impact in their lives. The Undercurrent, a STRIVE publication, is an online outlet for students and young professionals that offers cultural commentary inspired by Objectivism.
The Lyceum Scholars Academic Program at Clemson University is America’s first and only four-year university-based academic program dedicated to exploring the moral, political and economic foundations of a free society. Open to incoming freshmen, the Lyceum curriculum develops students’ faculties of inquiry and ignites their passion for knowledge.
The Conceptual Educational Fellowship is a designated fund to advance educational reform by training new intellectuals who can articulate and advocate a rational approach to primary and secondary education, based on the principles of Objectivism. If you’re a student of Ayn Rand’s ideas actively planning an intellectual career who would be interested in becoming a Conceptual Education Fellow, please email
Why everyone needs philosophy — and the consequences for those who fail to understand and accept this fact.
Why capitalism is the only system consistent with man’s nature as a rational being who must produce the values his life and happiness require.
An overview of the Enlightenment’s philosophic argument for freedom as a moral and political ideal, and of the attacks that led to this ideal’s abandonment in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.